Friday, October 2, 2009

Some recent conversations my wee bicycle has provoked..

People in Glasgow love to shout out whatever it is they're thinking about you as you ride past them on a tiny red bicycle. Some recent conversations and friendly abuse hurled at me are as follows:

Old Man walking: "Hey Bonnet Head!"
Serves me right for wearing a Scottish bonnet... in Scotland...

Drunk Girl in Car: "How cool are you? How F***ing cool are you? I want to be you right now, WHY CAN'T I BE YOU?"
Thanks.. I think?

Pedestrian: "Hey can you give me a backy?"
Me: "(laughs) Och no I'm not strong enough!"
Pedestrian: "I think you are with legs like those!"
Still trying to decided if this was a compliment or polite abuse.. (For those unfamiliar with the term a 'backy' is a dink)

Drunk: "I like your wee bike... It's like a kids bike.... That's the hottest bike I've ever seen..."
Me: "That's a little creepy since you just mentioned its like a kids bike.."
Drunk: "I know but your the hottest thing I've seen on a bike, your a babe...."
Didn't hear the rest as I fled across the intersection.

This bike it seems is the abuse-magnet, both good and bad. Makes for interesting travels around the city at least!

Chic Nerds Alert!

Check this link for all the hottest nerds that are and were. From online bloggers to Cameron Frye from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


*asthma pump*

