People in Glasgow love to shout out whatever it is they're thinking about you as you ride past them on a tiny red bicycle. Some recent conversations and friendly abuse hurled at me are as follows:
Old Man walking: "Hey Bonnet Head!"Serves me right for wearing a Scottish bonnet... in Scotland...
Drunk Girl in Car: "How cool are you? How F***ing cool are you? I want to be you right now, WHY CAN'T I BE YOU?" Thanks.. I think?
Pedestrian: "Hey can you give me a backy?"
Me: "(laughs) Och no I'm not strong enough!"
Pedestrian: "I think you are with legs like those!"
Still trying to decided if this was a compliment or polite abuse.. (For those unfamiliar with the term a 'backy' is a dink)
Drunk: "I like your wee bike... It's like a kids bike.... That's the hottest bike I've ever seen..."
Me: "That's a little creepy since you just mentioned its like a kids bike.."
Drunk: "I know but your the hottest thing I've seen on a bike, your a babe...."
Didn't hear the rest as I fled across the intersection.
This bike it seems is the abuse-magnet, both good and bad. Makes for interesting travels around the city at least! to love the Glaswegian banter. Classics